THM - Bounty Hunter

Initial thoughts, Enumeration

Easy difficulty challenge.

We are given an IP address, and the task question points towards enumeration and finding the user and root flags. Doing a default nmap scans we see the ports : 21,22,80 open. So, FTP, SSH and HTTP.

Initial questions

Firstly, we login to the ftp server using the anonymous user. We see there are two files in the server. One file, the tasks.txt contains the a note left by a user, lin.

We also find a file locks.txt which seems to contain password combinations. Using a simple bash one liner, I bruteforced the ssh service using the sshpass command to specify the password inside the one liner itself. We find a correct password for the user lin. user.txt is in the directory we log in to.


The first command I use in such challenges is sudo -l. It lists binaries that the current user can run as root. We find lin can run tar as root using sudo. Finding the gtfobins page for tar reveals the command for getting a shell.

This successfully gives root access. root.txt is in the root folder.

Done and Dusted!
